Gita Govinda by Guru Pali Chandra

Gita Govinda by Guru Pali Chandra

Jayadeva's Gita Govinda - A Poet A Song and A Story
For the first time in India’s recorded history, all 24 songs of the Gita Govinda are choreographed and composed. Kathak icon Guru (Dr.) Pali Chandra helms this super mega project. The 12th-century Sanskrit poem is an ode to Lord Krishna by Jayadeva, and the Guru plans to represent all facets of the original composition. Upon completion, this shall be one of India’s premier artistic endeavours of the modern era. The project has been rolling for almost for half a decade, with over 200 people involved in the production. Guru Dr Pali Chandra wanted to combine and recreate all the poem's stanzas, as this has never been done before. This section features some interesting videos related to this project. 

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