Every year, International Women's Day is celebrated on 8th March to remind us of women's needs, concerns, and desires. They deserve a future that is sustainable and peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities in all avenues. This year, the United Nations theme is: Women in leadership - Achieving an equal future in a Covid 19 World. Women's effective participation and leadership in all areas of life are beneficial for our species' progress. This is a rallying cry for us to act for a gender-equal planet. We at NatyaSutraOnline mark this Women's Day with a compilation of our patrons and their #ChoosetoChallenge placards. A world aware of its challenges is an alert world. We can choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequity in all forums. We can collectively commemorate women's achievements and help in creating an inclusive world. Dance has crushed glass ceilings for eons, and chronicled below are just a few special journeys in Nritya.
NatyaSutra is an attempt to permanently preserve the rich art and cultural heritage of India. Our dream is to provide 24/7 online access to personalized lectures, tutorials, classes, and performances of all Indian art and culture.