24th - 25th August 2020 From 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM IST
Sri Sakala Ganadhipa Palaya Mam Anisham is a beautiful composition Choreographed by Sreelakshmy Govardhanan and composed by Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna. Set in Adi Tala, Arabhi Raga, each part of this composition is well explained by the teacher, and also it includes student demonstrations for better understanding.
Learn the nuances of Javali Abhinaya in Kuchipudi by Sreelakshmy Govardhanan. Ekkadunnavu Naa Chakkani Swami, by Carnatic legend Mysore Sadashiva Rao, empowers the student to delve into this timeless piece's intricate choreography, rhythmic complexities, and dynamic storytelling. Join the course to get a deep understanding of the ethos of this dance composition.
Sreelakshmy Govardhanan introduces the viewer to her journey in Kuchipudi. She received these under the tutelage of the legendary Guru Pasumarthy Rattaiah Sarma.
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