


Hand Gestures

NatyaSutraOnline is an attempt to permanently preserve the rich classical dance and music heritage of India. Our dream is to provide 24/7 online access to personalized lectures, tutorials, dance classes, and performances of all Indian classical dance forms.

Sringara Lahari

Rama Vaidyanathan

Sringara Lehari is a South Indian Classical Keerthana choreographed by Rama Vaidyanathan. Learn this Bharatanatyam Composition, dance tribute to Devi,…

Rama Vaidyanathan

Geeta Chandran

Dr Rajashree Warrier

Bharatanatyam is India’s oldest dance form and is one of the eight officially designated ‘cultural’ dance forms in the country. Once considered a prominent temple dance, this mesmerizing spectacle has permeated into performances easily accessible anywhere in the world. These performances are a great source for the spiritual identify, beliefs and folklore of South India. Bharatanatyam performers explore topics ranging from the metaphysical to the mundane with equal poise and grace, making them integral to the soul of the land.

History of Bharatanatyam
Evidence of Bharatanatyam’s past can be traced all the way back to 200 B.C.E. Paintings and murals that have been excavated detail vivid performances of this dance form. A special case would be the gopurams of the Nataraja Temple in Chidambaram ( Tamil Nadu, the southern tip of India). The devadasis or temple maidens of the past used to perform dance offerings to the sacred deities. Modern-day Bharatanatyam can trace its origins to these performances.

Style of Bharatanatyam
The Bharatanatyam performer takes the stage alone, depicting a plethora of roles based on the story of their performance. They are accompanied by musicians and stage managers who curate the entire performance. The performances begin with invocations, and then the Alarippu, which is traditionally an offering of flowers.

An artisan must be an expert at abhinaya or acting(mime), as they depict varying characters during the retelling of the scriptures. The most integral section of the entire performance comes during the Varnam, where the true technical and storytelling prowess of the dancer is tested.

The proceedings come to an end with the thillana, a colorful sequence with roots in Hindustani music. This is followed by a performance of the mangalam, where the artist invokes the Gods to thank them for their help during the course of the performance.

Bharatanatyam Today
Bharatanatyam is deeply important to a shared South Indian cultural identity of oneness with our natural surroundings and the spiritual beings that we rever. Performers are loved for the poise, grace, and innovation that they employ to retell the stories that shaped our land. These performances headline festivals, school events and international concerts to this day.

Bharatanatyam Classes

Sringara Lahari

Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Sringara Lehari is a South Indian Classical Keerthana choreographed by Rama Vaidyanathan. Learn this Bharatanatyam Composition, dance tribute to Devi, specifically Goddess Saraswati.

Sundara Syama

Geeta Chandran, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Sundara Shyama Sundara Bala Leela, a Surdas Padh choreographed, demonstrated and performed by Padmashri Geeta Chandran. Learn this rendition of devotion to Lord Krishna through Bharatanatyam dance techniques.


Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Bharatanatyam exponent Smt. Rama Vaidyanathan presents an exclusive lecture series that focuses on a Thillana, originally attributed to legendary Carnatic violinist Padma Bhushan Lalgudi Jayaraman. Available only on natysutra online.

Saddu Madalu

Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Learn bharatanatyam composition by Rama Vaidyanathan set in Kalyani Raga and Adi tala, Saddu Madalu Bedavo Rangayya.... This padam focuses on an interaction between a gopika and Lord Krishna. The former requests the divine being to stop playing his flute at middle of the night and not to invite trouble by waking others.

ANGIKA : Bharatanatyam Methods and Beyond

Dr Rajashree Warrier, Techniques , Bharatanatyam

Dr. Rajashree Warrier focuses on how a student must interpret and elaborate the teachings of Abhinaya Darpana . The student witnesses hand movements, gestures, esoteric techniques, expressions, placement, and detailed revision of every essential Bharatanatyam skill required to excel in this field.


Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Bharatanatyam teachings and perfromance by Rama Vaidyanathan. Each part of Thiruvempavai is individually introduced, beginning with detailed explanations and teachings by the Rama Vaidyanathan. These are followed by demonstrations from the Guru and a complete performance at the end.


Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

This Bharatanatyam DanceLessons by Rama Vaidyanathan is subdivided into nine sections. Each part of Madhura ashtakam is individually introduced, beginning with detailed explanations by the teacher. Every word of the original verse is carefully explained. These are followed by demonstrations from the Guru and a complete performance.

Navarasa Kauthwam

Dr Rajashree Warrier, Master Class , Bharatanatyam

Revisit the Navarasas, Nine Emotions that drive our day-to-day lives. Guru Rajashree Warrier’s original Bharatnatyam composition delves into the secrets of the human psyche. The ‘Navarasa Kauthwam’ is a dancer's exploration of the factors that influence every human's journey on Earth. The entire composition, with detailed lessons and a downloadable track, is exclusively available at NatyaSutraOnline.

Bhogeendra Sayinam

Dr Rajashree Warrier, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Learn Bharatanatyam composition Bhogeendra Sayinam, a tribute to Lord Vishnu, seated atop the serpent Anantha or Adi Sesha. This Swati Tirunal Kriti was choreographed, presented and demonstrated by Dr. Rajashree Warrier

Aduvum Solluvaal

Dr Rajashree Warrier, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Learn Tamil Padam Aduvum Solluvaal demonstrated by Dr.Rajashree Warrier, set in Raga Sourashtram. This is a creation of Vaideeswarankoil Subbarama Iyer and is among his most famous works.

Great Indian Stories

Dr Rajashree Warrier, Performance , Bharatanatyam

Great Indian Stories is a unique project designed to draw children into an entertaining world of mythology and morals, drama and dance.

Lament to the Birds

Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Rama Vaidyanathan introduces us to the despair of a lover in this Bharatanatyam composition. Our heroine involves the birds in the sky, and this piece focusses on her lamentations to them over her treatment by her divine lover.

The Divine Cowherd

Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Rama Vaidyanathan takes us on a special Bharatanatyam journey through the dual roles of Lord Krishna on Earth. On one hand, we are protected by his divine aura, while on the other, he is a relatable cowherd.


Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

The Yennadaina Bharatanatyam composition by Rama Vaidyanathan is a tale of an exasperated heroine at the end of her wits. Our fearless protagonist stands up to the object of her adoration, Lord Krishna, as she yearns to be the sole object of his attention.

Ardhanareeswara Ashtakam

Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Rama Vaidyanathan explores the duality of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, with a Bharatanatyam composition on their legendary form, the Ardhanareeswara.


Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Rama Vaidyanathan explores the omnipresence of Lord Shiva in this Bharatanatyam composition. His guidance, strength, and perseverance are integral to his believers.

Pushpanjali and Alarippu

Rama Vaidyanathan, Composition , Bharatanatyam

Pushpanjali is a divine offering of flowers that is a mark of respect to the Gods, one's teachers and those who are witnessing the recital. Alarippu is a reference to the flowering bud, which utilizes every part of the artist's body. Rama Vaidyanathan guides us through its intricacies.

NatyaSutra is an attempt to permanently preserve the rich art and cultural heritage of India. Our dream is to provide 24/7 online access to personalized lectures, tutorials, classes, and performances of all Indian art and culture.